Prayer Request

Bless, November 22, 2023 - 2:37 pm

Please pray God be glorified in my life. Pray for eyes of love and the mind of Christ. Pray for freedom, strongholds torn down, breakthrough, wholeness and every kind of healing. Pray for revival and restoration. Pray for revelation and understanding. Pray for the greater spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit for all God's people in order to bless the body of Christ. Pray to trust in God's faithfulness to do all he has said he will do and to receive all he has promised by faith in Jesus name. Pray against weapons of doubt, discouragement, unbelief and fear. Pray God redeem, satisfy and justify. Pray for victory in Christ and that God bless, protect and keep me and my mom from all evil/harm and save my whole family.

I am also a teacher, so please pray God help me be a good one and for God's loving-kindness, blessing and favor in this area, that God's will be done in my classroom and with my students and that God bless us, protect us, and pour his Holy Spirit out on all of us here at my school. Pray I'd walk in the love and righteousness of Jesus, with integrity, humility and in an honorable fashion, and that any evil power working against God's will, plans and purposes for me demolish itself quickly in Jesus name.